Zeta Iota

SustainabiliTEA: Climate Change Visioning

Date: Feb 29, 2024 at 11:00am to 1:00pm
Join the Office of Sustainability staff for SustainabiliTEA! These are informal open-house style events where students can meet both the Temple Sustainability Team and fellow EcoReps. We'll chat -- over FREE sustainably-sourced tea -- about the latest in sustainability news, policy and climate justice in Philly and all over, learning from each other and growing fellowship within the TU climate action coalition. SustainabiliTEAs are a chance to learn more about climate initiatives on campus and how you can take part! This week, discussion will be centralized around imagining what a climate-focused future can look like. Art supplies will be available for those who want to exercise their creativity and visualize what a sustainable future means to them. RSVP Link: https://temple.campuslabs.com/engage/event/9936976