Zeta Delta

N - Gift of Life Tabling

Date: Apr 24, 2024 at 10:00am to 3:00pm
Gift of Life is a non-profit bone marrow and stem cell registry that facilitates transplants for people with blood cancer and other blood-related disorders. Many of those on the registry were recruited on college campuses like Miami. Tabling for Gift of Life will involve assisting potential new donors with swabbing their cheek and then packaging the sample so that it can be send back to the national organization. Please watch the training video below, especially the part about the swabbing process! https://giftoflife.zoom.us/rec/share/CoGEsquzKAUNzkQ12XcR1gy--5uBApuvRA-p4wCFTZnelTtlTG-WXgvNPL-LZsU2.Yq6lFOvgpNz3I0XY?startTime=1708617644000 Password: t=B43N^2 Sign-in form: https://forms.gle/H1oGj8LE9hqep8T78