Xi Lambda

LCP Level 1 Workshop: SSS4 Interviewing Skills and Strategies

Date: Feb 25, 2020 at 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Hosted by the Center for Leadership and Engagement- MUST sign up on HuskySync. Link attached below "This is a Level 1 Leadership Certification Program Workshop. Participants will: 1) learn what the value of first impressions are during any job search process 2) learn the appropriate attire to wear at an interview 3) learn how to prepare for an interview and research the job/company that they are applying to 4) learn how to clearly articulate their skills, talents, experiences and potential in an interview 5) learn effective ways to conduct themselves in different interviewing formats" https://bloomu.campuslabs.com/engage/event/5454901 *** send in your photo(s) with the sign in***