
A Decade After the Revolution of Dignity: Perspectives from V4 and Ukraine

Date: Feb 28, 2024 at 12:00pm to 1:30pm
zoom link: https://unc.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rGSUBz_pShCEhVFWcwC74A#/registration In February 2014, we witnessed the Revolution of Dignity, which led to significant political changes in Ukraine. On the one hand, the defection of Viktor Yanukovych testified to the protesters’ success at Kyiv’s Maidan Nezalezhnosti. On the other hand, it became a pretext for Russia to illegally annex Crimea and launch military operations in Donbas. The discussion aims to analyze how Ukraine, society, and the attitude of Ukrainians towards Russia and the West have changed over the past 10 years. The events of February 2014 also affect the Central and Eastern European region, including the Visegrad Group countries. Therefore, during our webinar, we want to see if and to what extent the legacy of the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity resonates along the Vistula, Vltava, and Danube rivers. Follow the link to register. Opening remarks will be presented by: Adnan Džumhur, Associate Director at the Center for Slavic, Eurasian and East European Studies at UNC Professor Radoslaw Zenderowski, director of the Institute of Political Science and Administration at UKSW Participants of the talk: Dr. Olena Babakova, Vistula University Pavel Havlíček, AMO – Association for International Affairs (TBC) Dr. Piotr Sieniawski, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Wa