
PORCH Food Donations

Date: Apr 10, 2023 at 8:00am to Apr 14, 2023 at 5:00pm
PORCH is collecting food donations for those in need this semester. These non-perishable food items are most commonly requested by the local pantries PORCH serves: - Low-sugar cereals and oatmeal - 1 lb. and 2 lb. bags of rice - Plastic containers of peanut butter and jelly - Healthy snacks such as applesauce cups, granola bars, crackers, raisins - Cans of fruits and vegetables of all kinds - Pasta sauce - Cans of hearty soups and stews - Cans of tuna and chicken - Pasta - Bags of beans of all kinds - Mac & cheese No glass containers, please. Be sure to check expiration dates. We cannot accept expired food. Leave your donations in the Plex and you can drop off any time in this frame:) 3 food items = 1 hour of service (max 5 hours)