
Meals On Wheels Baked Goods Donations

Date: Apr 3, 2023 at 9:00am to 1:00pm
Baking Instructions: https://www.mowocnc.org/sites/mowocnc.org/files/baker_instructions_may_16_2022.pdf Please prepare 24 servings. Brownies, bars & large cookies are considered a single serving. Small/medium cookies and similar-sized items are 2-3 goodies per serving. Please package each serving individually in wraps/bags--extra appreciation for eco-friendly packaging. Donations can be dropped off at the Chapel Hill office on weekdays (Mon.-Fri.) from 9am-1pm. Sign up link: https://signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/877004757862750098/false#/invitation Try and sign up for days that do not have any volunteers yet! 24 Servings = 2 service hours. You can earn up to 6 service hours for this event through the entire semester! Internal Service Accountability Form: https://forms.gle/WR17WdV4Xaf8Cxiq6