
TABLE Food Donations

Date: Mar 26, 2021 at 12:00am to 11:59pm
TABLE is a non-profit organization that provides hunger relief and nutrition education services to children living in Orange County, North Carolina. Please consider donating as many items as you are able to. If people are in the Chapel Hill area and feel comfortable doing so, they can text Hannah Anglin at (252) 305-7890 and meet up with her to drop off donations. You can also drop them off at TABLE directly if you would prefer. For every 3 items, you will receive (1) hour; You will only be able to receive up to (2) hours. Please comment how many items you have donated. List of items being accepted: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1QkBkXZqlCzNeEprBxMNivA3NKg37OBuz/view?usp=sharing Service Accountability: https://forms.gle/rMarG3qgzKBh3SrL8