Omicron Zeta

Knot Tie Blankets Pledge Fundraiser

Date: Mar 21, 2021 at 8:00am to Mar 31, 2021 at 10:00pm
Get ready to cuddle up in these warm blankets made to order with love! We will be raffling off knot tied blankets and a knot tie blanket in a basket, all with a special surprise. Raffle Options: Raffle Option 1: Cuddle up and Study Basket 1: 6 feet blanket, highlighters, color pens, post its, cute notebook, oreos and or snacks Raffle Option 2: Pick me up Basket 2: 3 foot blanket, hand sanitizer, reusable cup, snacks and/or candy, oreos Raffle Option 3: Just a 3 foot blanket only The prices for the $3 a ticket 2 for $5 3 for $8 Venmo @APOOZ the money and put in the description what you paid for! Remember to keep it public :) Email/message the DOFs proof of payment to get credit. Winners for the raffle will be announced at Active Meeting #10