Nu Alpha

How to Actually Play Chess (while living in a world of checkers)

Date: Nov 11, 2020 at 9:15pm to 10:15pm
Have you ever strolled in a park one day and saw an old man playing chess by himself? Yeah, neither have I. Who goes to the park nowadays anyways, am I right? Anyways, my leadership series will give an introductory lesson on the basics of chess and answer those burning questions about chess like: why don’t all the pieces move in the same way, why are the pieces on a different color place, why is chess not as fun as checkers (it isn’t by the way), why doesn’t Prince send me the attendance on time? Well, the last one isn’t one of those burning questions but y’all get the gist. Please come and stop by as I attempt to teach you chess while I make terrible chess puns every step along the way J