Nu Alpha

Clinical Practice and Climate Change Physician Panel

Date: Oct 8, 2020 at 6:30pm to 7:40pm
A panel of three female physicians who are also highly involved in public health and environmental health. Dr. Caitlin Rublee, a professor of emergency medicine, is also highly involved in the Institute for Health and Equity and is a Climate and Health Science Policy Fellow. Dr. Lori Byron, a long-time pediatric physician on an Indian Reservation, is now the pediatric hospitalist chair for the Montana Health Professionals for a Healthy Climate and is on the EPA's Children's Health Advisory committee. Dr. Elizabeth Yates, a surgical doctor, is also pursuing a Master's of Public Health degree in environmental science and is a research fellow for the Center of Surgery and Public Health. Attend this panel to learn about some awesome female physicians and how their traditional roles as doctors turned into environmental and public health positions!!!!