Nu Alpha

Bobcat Food Distribution Donations

Date: Nov 24, 2020 at 12:00am to 11:59pm
This program collects and distributes food to Quinnipiac students in need and is organized by Gina Frank, the Dean of Graduate Student Affairs. They are in urgent need of food, paper good and personal hygiene donations (example items listed below). If you would like to bring in donations (or gift cards for stop and shop, etc) for the program you can receive a maximum of three service hours depending on the amount of items brought in. $10 (or $10 worth of items) is the equivalent of 1 service hour. I will be collecting donations throughout the whole semester. Contact the SVP to organize dropping off your donations. Items in Need: Pasta Potatoes Peanut Butter Canned Soup Canned Vegetables Rice Bread Gift Cards (to buy fresh fruits and vegetables) Paper Goods (Paper towels, toilet paper, napkins, paper plates, plastic utensils, etc) Personal Care Items (deodorant, feminine hygiene products, etc) **items that will not expire fast are preferred, especially these first few weeks**