Nu Alpha

Toys for Tots

Date: Dec 13, 2019 at 12:00am to 11:59pm
"The Department of Public Safety, and the Quinnipiac Student body will be collecting unwrapped new toys benefitting the Hamden Toy Closet. We are asking our QU Community to help other who may not be able to purchase a new toy, this holiday season. Please consider donating a new unwrapped toy starting November 29th thru December 13th. There are two collection boxes located at the Public Safety Office on the Mount Carmel and York Hill campuses. Please help us, help others, who may not have the ability to purchase a toy for their child. The officers of the Department of Public Safety thank you for your support and wish you a safe and happy holiday season." - Department of Public Safety at QU comment how many toys you bought: One toy = 1 hour, max of 5 hours can count!