Lambda Nu

Root Causes Delivery Drivers

Date: Oct 9, 2021 at 10:00am to 2:00pm
The Root Causes Fresh Produce program provides fresh produce and canned goods to patients deemed by providers as in need. Get involved by making weekly deliveries to patients! These volunteers pick up food and support kits from Farmer Foodshare (902 N Mangum Street, Durham) on Saturdays between 10:00 AM to 1 PM at an assigned time and deliver these items to patient homes. All PPE (masks, gloves) will be provided and patient contact will be minimal. Up to 2.5 hour commitment (eg someone who picks up at 10:30 should plan for finishing by 1 PM, a 12 PM pickup finishing by 2:30 at the latest). *This event requires you or a friend to have a car!!* YOU MUST COMPLETE HIPAA BEFORE VOLUNTEERING (can do so very easily through the link where you sign up) Sign up (at the beginning of each month) through this link: Note: If you sign up in the middle of the month, email to be added to the mailing group for that month.