Lambda Nu

Root Causes Delivery Confirmation and Survey Calling

Date: Oct 20, 2021 at 5:00pm to 6:05pm
The Root Causes Fresh Produce program provides fresh produce and canned goods to patients deemed by providers as in need. Get involved by calling patients weekly to confirm deliveries or fill out surveys. Once you've added your name to the spread sheet to sign up (more details on that below), expect an email at the beginning of the week detailing what time you should have your 5 calls completed by. *Although this event is on Wednesday, you will get your assignment Wednesday evening and have until Friday morning to complete your calls.* YOU MUST COMPLETE HIPAA BEFORE VOLUNTEERING (can do so very easily through the link where you sign up) Sign up (at the beginning of each month) through this link: Note: If you sign up in the middle of the month, email to be added to the mailing group for that month.