Lambda Mu

Krispy Kreme Fundraiser

Date: Apr 3, 2023 at 11:30am to 5:30pm
We will be selling a limited amount of Krispy Kreme donuts on campus from 11:30AM-5:30PM. If we run out of donuts before the event ends, we will close up the event. Brothers will have the benefit of preordering donuts which can be picked up at the table (preferably) or during GBM. Dozen(12) - $25 Donut(1) - $3 Preorder Form: You can also earn fundraising credit by helping out at the table for a minimum of 3 hours. All brothers who help at the table MUST have the Food and Safety Handling Training completed with their Certificate present at the table. Refer to the following link for sign-ups: Must buy AT LEAST 3 donuts to receive credit. Every donut bought is one less hour needed to receive credit through helping. Ex. Buy 2 donuts = Help for 1 hour 1 Credit MAX Active Chair: Alice Lam Pledge Chair: