Kappa Mu

Tastes, Toasts, & Triumphs (League for People with Disabilities)

Date: Apr 13, 2024 at 3:00pm to 11:30pm
Must sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C094BA8A72FA1F9C70-46980987-tastes#/ If there are no spots left, you cannot attend. Please comment when you sign up "I filled out the form" Help the League for People with Disabilities at their annual gala. Details: Dress Code: Black Dress Pants/Slacks with a Black Top and Black Blazer or a Black Dress and a Black Cardigan. Shoes that will be comfortable for moving around and standing for long periods. We also recommend pockets or an over-the-shoulder handbag to store your cell phone and printed materials. The Development team will provide a “VOLUNTEER” wearable (sash) and badge to help identify you to the guests of the event when you arrive. Volunteers should arrive to the 2 nd floor Atrium of the hotel, ready to begin their shift by no later than 3:30 PM. Each team will gather for an orientation meeting to provide direction on your team’s specific duties and assignments. This will be an opportunity to share important details, printed resources, and help you to get the “lay of the land” before guests arrive and your shift begins. A volunteer lounge is available for breaks and meals. There will be limited storage space for personal items, so we recommend keeping items at home or in your vehicle, if possible. You will receive a chicken entrée dinner during their allocated break time in the volunteer lounge. Volunteers at the event will not be seated in the ballroom during dinner, as volunteer duties continue throughout the dinner showcase. You may want to ensure that you are well-hydrated and have a substantial snack before arriving. You are welcome to pack any additional snacks in case you will need them.