Kappa Mu

Cards for Courage Card-Making I

Date: Nov 9, 2020 at 3:00pm to 4:00pm
Heyo! Join this service event to make hand-drawn thank you cards for Hopkins healthcare workers during COVID. They are being selfless and courageous in protecting Baltimore residents during this pandemic. Each brother will be making 4-5 cards and giving it to the Cards for Courage volunteers to deliver it to the workers to convey our gratitude. There will be templates for the written message. Make sure you have paper and colors (pens/pencils/crayons/paints) ready for the event. *** IMPORTANT: you are expected to be able to mail these cards in as part of this service event *** Zoom link: https://JHUBlueJays.zoom.us/j/91584582401?pwd=SlpJUTlXaWkyL2w5ZURFcW8vUnlKZz09