Kappa Mu

Squashwise College Prep VI: Recording Presentation cont.

Date: Nov 2, 2020 at 5:00pm to 6:00pm
As a group, we will be making college prep materials for Squashwise that they can distribute to their students. In this session: brothers will be using previously-made brother materials to record a presentation about applying to college. More information will be provided upon joining the Zoom call, but come and be ready to help! Keep in mind we are assessing for participation when we award credit. The presentation you will be helping present has to do with alternative paths for high schoolers outside of just a 4-year college/university. The attached slides are complete (with speaker notes), it is your job to help record a presentation with them, which will be edited later. Presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1PtD6l9gQb35AQS5MktBsNskHa6KRhlRHJcV2ihT0s2A/edit?usp=sharing Zoom: https://JHUBlueJays.zoom.us/j/4540685927?pwd=VSsrMmhpRUMycVZiKzlJeGtoOGFwUT09