Kappa Mu

Brainstorming: The 6th Branch

Date: Sep 11, 2020 at 10:00am to 11:00am
Read about The 6th Branch here: http://the6thbranch.org/ In the wake of in-person volunteering being canceled for the semester, it falls on us to take initiative and continue helping our community partners in these strange and unprecedented times. Our plan: brainstorm large-scale service events that brothers could work on remotely over the course of the semester. If you participate in this brainstorming/discussion session, we will award you 1 service hour. However, if you prepare some ideas in advance and bring them to discuss, we will be more than happy to provide you with another 0.5 service hours. Zoom Link: https://JHUBlueJays.zoom.us/j/9316205435?pwd=NmZ2dDFrcm94Sk5IUm52bGhUdjh5dz09 *** Note: coming to a brainstorming session does NOT mean that you are required to follow through on any of the ideas presented. The purpose of these events is to generate ideas that we will review and discuss with the community partner at a later date. ***