Kappa Mu


Date: Apr 26, 2020 at 6:00pm to 7:00pm
Come play poker with your friends and brothers in APO! The game is Texas Hold 'Em, no buy-in necessary, to be hosted on pokernow.club -- the room link will be sent out via Messenger/email the day of the fellowship. If you CAN stay beyond the hour and finish the game, please do, but don't feel as if you're committing to a long game of poker. Unfortunately, PokerNow's servers have been getting a lot of traffic since everything started - if the servers are down, we might have to shift our plans. Game link: pokernow.club Zoom link: https://JHUBlueJays.zoom.us/j/97882079635?pwd=cUoyNnBzVkZXZ1VvaG5RTkhyQlowUT09