Kappa Mu

Cooking for Love (Cooking Shift)

Date: Mar 6, 2020 at 2:00pm to 4:00pm
Address: Charles Commons kitchen Community Partner: Interfaith Center Service Area: Food Insecurity Systemic Issue Addressed: Lack of resources and support for homeless women and their children, including women who are survivors of domestic abuse. By providing these women and children with meals, we give them one less thing to worry about during the hardest time in their lives while bridging the gap between the food they can access and the nutrition they need. There are two volunteer shifts, the first being the cooking shift at the Interfaith Center, and the second being the serving shift at My Sister's place. Action Tasks: Generally split into groups tasked with a specific portion of the meal. Your tasks may include: wash/chop/dice vegetables, bake/sauté/roast/boil the protein and/or starch portions of the meal, and make the dessert (preparing cake mix, pudding, etc.). At the end of this shift, everyone is responsible for helping clean (vacuuming the floor, washing dishes/cutlery, wiping down the counters and tables). Departure Info: Time: 2:00 PM Place: Charles Commons kitchen Mode of Transport: At location Return Info: Time: 4:00 PM Place: Charles Commons kitchen Mode of Transport: Walk Service Coordinator Attendance form: https://forms.gle/cdmWF1zPiD6F68Hm7 Service Project Feedback form: https://forms.gle/mf6wcocXqnoXGofz5 Service Late Cancellation/Sick form: https://forms.gle/C25tMSDfnLSYwm2DA