Gamma Pi

Probility Ann Arbor Marathon

Date: Mar 22, 2020 at 5:00am to 5:00pm
The Ann Arbor Marathon is on March 22, and it kicks off the spring/summer season in the city. The course starts and ends near the Big House, and takes participants through Central Campus, the Arb, and other core parts of Ann Arbor. Probility's Volunteer Coordinators are working to fill all of the race day tasks (registration, bag check, awards, food, recycling tent) found at THIS LINK WHICH YOU MUST USE TO SIGN UP: and the course marshal positions (above race day). Course marshals are given locations on the course and they cheer on and direct participants. We are encouraging course marshals to bring speakers, dress up, and make it fun! Probility donates to student orgs who provide a lot of volunteers, so volunteering may help you give back to APO. :) IMPORTANT: hours will vary by task!