Gamma Pi

Green Decarceration: The Intersection of Environmental Justice and Criminal Justice Reform

Date: Mar 10, 2020 at 4:00pm to 6:00pm
This teach-in will explore the intersections among environmental justice, criminal justice reform, and prison abolition. Climate change disproportionately impacts incarcerated people, communities that are targeted for over-policing and punitive criminal justice policies, and communities where prisons, jails, and other carceral institutions are located. Presenters at this teach in will discuss how carceral facilities have accelerated and worsened the climate crisis and endangered communities that are home to prisons and other confinement institutions. Participants will have opportunities to form action plans about green decarceration in Michigan and in the United States as they think through how to reduce the prison population in ways that do not produce more waste and carbon emissions. Participants will also discuss possibilities for coalition building among the environmental justice movement, the criminal justice reform movement, and the prison abolition movement in order to mutually support their goals. Register for the event here! Please fill out the leadership form to receive a leadership point!