Gamma Pi

🐱NEW CAT EVENT🐱 Cats at Petsmart

Date: Apr 18, 2019 at 5:45pm to 9:15pm
Meet your driver at the league by 5:45 so you can be at Petsmart by 6:30! The cat habitats are in the back left of the store. You will need to find an employee/manager to open the door for you (Tell them you are volunteering for Joy to clean the cat habitats). There will be a sign in sheet for volunteers to sign in and out. Job description would include: 1. Fresh water for each water dish. 2. Make sure food dishes are filled no less than 1/2 way. The food is in the food bin closest to the wall. Cat food container will be labeled. 3. Clean litter boxes and if they need more little please add litter.(it’s in the litter bin) 4. While you are cleaning each row, you can let the kitties out to play. Top row kitties, please take them down. You might have to sweep out the cages, they sometimes get litter everywhere. 5. Play with the cats! Someone should call Joy when you get there and also when you leave petsmart. Also let her know if anyone has runny eyes or if you think they are sick. Joy- 248-910-4158 Bins are filled with either cat food, kitten food and litter. Please pay attention to the food for the kitties. The cat food is two tone (bin closest to the left wall) and kitten food is solid color ( bin closest to the door). You can get the water pitchers from the fish area. Just ask the person in the fish area for two pitchers. One to dump the dirty water from the water bowls and the other pitcher with clean water to fill the bowls. If the water bowls are clean just add water no less than 1/2 way.