Gamma Beta

Operation Gratitude

Date: Oct 22, 2019 at 5:00pm to 8:00pm
Chairing: Brothers must select “I volunteer to coordinate.” to chair. Pledges must comment “I volunteer to co-chair.” --- Meeting Time & Location: MLK Library 3rd floor @ 5pm --- Maximum # of Attendees: 10 --- Event Description:Operation Gratitude sends 250,000+ Care Packages each year to Deployed Troops, Veterans, New Recruits & First Responders. Of all the items included in these Care Packages, the most cherished are the personal letters of appreciation! Our goal is to include several letters and colorful drawings in every Care Package and tell our heroes “WE CARE!” Writing a letter is a meaningful way for Americans to show support for all who serve. You will be writing letters and making colorful drawings for military personnel Start with a salutation, such as “Dear Hero” or “Dear Brave One” ➔ Write to a: Deployed Troop, Veteran, New Recruit, First Responder A Deployed Troop is currently overseas in harm’s way. A Veteran has served our country in the past. A New Recruit just completed Boot Camp and has sworn to serve for 4+ years. A First Responder serves as a Firefighter, a Paramedic, or in Law Enforcement. All deserve to be thanked for their commitment and bravery! ➔ Express your thanks for their selfless service ➔ Please do not include the date or year on your letter or card ➔ Avoid politics completely and religion in excess; however, saying you are praying for them is wonderful ➔ Share a little about yourself: Family, Hobbies, Work, School, Pets, Travel ➔ Talk about life and interests: Sports, Weather, Music, Movies, Food, Books ➔ Adults: Include your contact information (mail or email) so the recipient can reply. Children: USE FIRST NAMES ONLY and no addresses please ➔ Can’t find the words? Consider drawing or painting a picture instead; please add a note to kids’ drawings with their age. Please avoid glitter! --- Materials: paper, pens, pencils, color pencils ___ Dress Code: Brothers: Letters Pledges: Pledge Pin/Uniform --- Coordinator Contact Info: --- Extra Chairing Tasks: Please include this evaluation form in your Thank-You email: and CC VPS. Remember to send the Service photo to or to either VPS --- Submitted By: Johnny Mendez