Gamma Beta

SJSU Campus Community Garden

Date: Nov 20, 2019 at 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Chairing: Brothers must select “I volunteer to coordinate.” to chair. Pledges must comment “I volunteer to co-chair.” --- Meeting Time & Location: 304 North 6th Street @ 2:30PM --- Maximum # of Attendees: N/A --- Event Description: The garden is on a quarter acre of land and it includes multiple fruit trees, compost and gray water system, and many more. The garden exists to provide the SJSU students, staff and faculty with an opportunity to participate in food justice, accessibility to fresh and healthy food while engaging in cultural exchange and cooperation. While at the garden, SJSU members learn the ins and outs of a maintaining a small garden. SJSU members will learn how to harvest, prune, water and seed vegetable starts in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way. SJSU members would be able to bring home their produce after a workday! ***MUST SIGN -UP AT*** --- Dress Code: Brothers: Letters Pledges: Pledge pin/Uniform Wear close-toed shoes --- Coordinator Contact Info: --- Extra Chairing Tasks: Please include this evaluation form in your Thank-You email: and CC VPS. Remember to send the Service photo to or to either VPS --- Submitted By: Julia Chin