Eta Phi

826DC Paddlestar Galactica

Date: Apr 7, 2019 at 12:00pm to 3:00pm
Hi Bros! The nonprofit I work for, 826DC, provides free writing programs for DC youth and are having their annual ping-pong tournament fundraiser, Paddlestar Galactica. All the proceeds go to funding literacy programs for kids! I thought it could be a fun and meaningful way to get your fundraising point! "826DC is raising money by having volunteers and friends compete in a bracket-style ping-pong tournament. Participants have the month of March, and part of April, to fundraise before competing at the main event. The more money each team raises the more cheats they’ll be able to “purchase” on the day of the tournament. Fundraising participants will compete for a first-place trophy and prestige in a bracket-style competition. Prizes will also be awarded for “Best Uniform” and “Bling Pong” (for the individual or team who raised the most money overall). Spectators are invited to help select the winner for Best Uniform." It's going to be a really fun way to raise money for a good cause. It could also count as a fellowship! And if you have any questions, feel free to ask me! Register yourself or a team of bros here before signing up on the calendar: If you don't want to participate in the fundraiser, you can also volunteer!