Epsilon Sigma

Facilitating Race Talk & Difficult Conversations In the Classroom

Date: Mar 31, 2021 at 12:00pm to 1:12pm
Do you feel anxious when issues of race come up in the classroom? Do you know how to recognize and acknowledge a microaggression? Would you like learn a few skills for addressing racial issues in the classroom? This brief workshop is designed to offer skills and strategies for addressing and facilitating conversations on race and racial issues. We will address common emotional reactions, identify common barriers to effective conversations, and provide attendees with skills to recognize and navigate race-related communication dynamics. Topics of discussion will include: identifying and responding to microaggressions, recognizing positions of privilege, emotional regulation skills, and recommendations for creating ‘brave spaces’ for these discussions. For more information visit the Office of Inclusive Excellence's Inclusive Pedagogy webpage and to register click here https://buffalo.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJcqcOGrqz8pGdSVbo3DRK9ld0yW02NK01uO