Epsilon Sigma

Virtual: Drop-In Meditation Group

Date: Feb 19, 2021 at 3:00pm to 4:03pm
The benefits of practicing meditation include reduced stress, improved sleep, and a more focused mind. This weekly meditation group teaches the fundamentals of mindfulness and meditation, and provides students with a variety of meditation techniques from different guest presenters. The group can reinforce your desire for a daily practice or help you expand your skills, and will connect you with other students that meditate. All experience levels are welcome, but no experience is necessary. We welcome students from all religious and non-religious traditions. Come every week or drop-in when you can. If you would like to present a guided meditation at one of the groups, let us know. Join us on Zoom here: buffalo.zoom.us/my/relax with meeting passcode relaxUB Note: to attend this online program, you will need to sign-in to Zoom using your UBIT name and password here: buffalo.zoom.us/ If you use another email address, you may be denied access.