Epsilon Sigma

Resistance and Resilience: Self-care skills for students of color experiencing racism

Date: Feb 16, 2021 at 1:00pm to 2:01pm
Are you growing tired of dealing with racist behaviors directed toward you and other people of color? Do you sometimes feel that people do not understand how you are physically, emotionally, socially, and academically impacted by racism? Are there times when you are not sure how to respond to microaggressions? Do you want to learn strategies for coping with racism through resistance and other self-care strategies? This workshop acknowledges the detrimental impact of racism on society as a whole, but particularly for People of Color. This virtual workshop aims to provide education, support, and skills to empower Students of Color impacted by racism and White supremacy. The goal is to offer tools for self-care and coping, while also empowering Students of Color to challenge the status quo. https://buffalo.zoom.us/j/96751963666?pwd=V2hVSFhGY1IzckN2MGdoc29mZUtNdz09