Delta Rho

Elijah's Promise

Date: Jan 22, 2019 at 9:00am to 8:00pm
Everyday, Elijah's Promise strives to do more to change lives through the power of food. Be a part of this positive change and volunteer! Responsibilities may include, but are not limited to, chopping and prepping food for meal service, serving on the line, helping in the dining room or dish room as needed, and deep cleaning the kitchen/dining room after final meal serve. Please COMMENT which time you have signed up for: Morning Team/Bagged Lunches/Donation Sorter: 9am-1pm Mid-Day Team: 10:30am-1pm Afternoon Team: 1-3:30pm Evening Shift: 5:30-8pm Service hours will also be adjusted accordingly. If you are unable to attend your volunteer shift once you've signed up, please cancel your shift directly online as soon as possible. >>Times and opportunities MAY VARY. Check what is/isn't available. **Create an account and register for the respective date and times that are OPEN: ** If spots are closed, do NOT sign up on APO Online!