Delta Kappa

2nd MAJOR FELLOWSHIP/CLUE WEEK/Retreat: Murder Mystery Party

Date: Nov 1, 2019 at 6:00pm to 8:00pm
It's Homecoming season at Mayhem High and this year the Homecoming Ball theme is "Masquerade Madness!" Join the Fellowship, Clue Week, and Retreat committees for A Night to Remember. Dress Code: Semi-Formal (Masks will be handed out at the door, but feel free to bring your own to show off your stylish flair) Guest Policy: This is an "open" fellowship so you are allowed to bring a non-APO, HOWEVER, you MUST register your guest as there are a lot of materials for each person (even if they are not a main character). The link for guest registration or character requests is linked below (MAKE SURE TO FILL THIS OUT EVEN IF YOU DON'T WANT A MAIN CHARACTER) ALL CHARACTER RSVPS AND GUEST REGISTRATIONS ARE DUE BY WEDNESDAY @ 11:59!!!!!!