Delta Gamma

Alpha Gamma Delta's Hunt for Hunger

Date: Apr 3, 2018 at 7:00pm to 8:00pm
This is Alpha Gamma Delta's second annual Hunt for Hunger. It's on Tuesday April 3rd at 7 on College Green and will not take longer than half an hour! - It's 25 dollars to make a team of 5! (5 dollars per person) -The event is an Easter egg hunt and your team will be tied together as they hunt for eggs and you will have an alpha gam coach to root you on! -There will be tons of gift cards, t-shirts and other prizes. Each egg will have candy and some special eggs with have giftcards/tickets for t-shirts. So it's worth the 5 dollars because the gift cards will be more than 5 dollars if they win them! -It goes to benefit Meals on Wheels and Feeding America through the Alpha Gamma Delta Foundation! - Athens is food insecure and so it is really important for OU to give back to the Athens community through events that fight hunger. Here's the link to sign up!