Delta Gamma

Raffle Basket Donations

Date: Nov 27, 2017 at 9:00pm to 9:01pm
Donations for our winter raffle basket! Donations must amount to at least $10 in order to get your hour AND INCLUDE YOUR RECEIPT. Let us know what you're planning on bringing in the comments. Donations can either be given to Caitlin at Front Room or brought to my apartment by Monday night. 8 people- $10 gift cards (gas cards, restaurant, etc.) 5 people- fuzzy socks 1 person- blanket 4 people- coffee mugs 4 people- candles 3 people- hot chocolate 3 people- packages of tea 3 people- chapstick 3 people- packages of tissues 3 people- candy 3 people- foot/ hand warmers 3 people- slippers