Alpha Zeta Kappa

Needs Assessment Presentations

Date: Mar 2, 2020 at 6:30pm to Mar 9, 2020 at 7:00pm
Make a short presentation (between 5-10 slides) to present at meeting about a topic that impacts our community! Make sure this information is in your presentation: What the issue is Data- (percentages, what county officials have said about it, ect) Why it matters/how it impacts Richmond Propose a service project to address the issue The purpose of this is to get us excited about serving our community! It builds leadership by allowing us to learn how to research on community problems and think critically about why we do service, how to put together information, and increases how comfortable we are giving professional presentations. Tell Bre what topic you want to present on, that way bros don't do the same thing. 5 minute presentations at most-keep it short but be sure to include good info!