Alpha Zeta Iota

Careers in Management 2019

Date: Mar 20, 2019 at 4:30pm to 6:30pm
TRACKS Program Event: Track 2: Level 1 Careers In Management is an annual event where students are exposed to business professionals in the areas of Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Human Resource Management, Management Information Systems, and International Business. Students are encouraged to attend the discussion panel which will be comprised of recent GVSU graduates from various industries, that will field questions from the student audience, and later network with the panel speakers as well as additional companies at tables set up in the Exchange. Schedule: Check-In Begins - 4:00 p.m. Discussion Panel - 4:30 - 5:45 p.m. Exhibits/Networking - 5:45 - 6:30 p.m. Why should I attend? Attending the annual event will help you discover further what area of business management is most appealing to you, find out what it takes to be a successful candidate in the business world, and will help you sharpen and polish your networking skills! Do I have to be a senior to attend? No. The event is open to ALL students and ALL majors. The earlier you start in your career development the better your advantages are in preparation for your career. How do I register and is there a registration fee? This event is FREE and registration takes place at the event. What is the attire? Dress Professional! Dress to reflect your unique personality, keeping in mind that this will be an opportunity to network with current students, employers, alumni, and other professionals. How do I prepare? We encourage you take a look at the companies that are attending and determine which companies you would like to talk to. If you have class, you should talk with your professor in advance if you wish to be excused. Do I have to stay for the entire event? Yes. This event does take place on a Wednesday when classes are in session. You are welcome to leave at 5:45 when the speakers and panel are finished, however it is an advantage to network with the panel speakers as well as additional companies at tables set up in the Exchange until 6:30. Once I attend what should I do? After attending the careers in management event, you should make sure to review any information you gathered during various sessions and begin applying it to your career. If you collected business cards be sure to follow-up with professionals within 48 hours of attending the event.