Alpha Iota

Microinterventions (MUST REGISTER)

Date: Oct 27, 2022 at 11:30am to 12:30pm
REGISTRATION LINK: This 2-hour workshop focuses on how we can address microaggressions. Participants will learn microintervention strategies that can be used when we experience or witness a microaggression, as well as strategies for how to hold ourselves accountable and offer meaningful apologies if we are told we’ve enacted a microaggression. This is an interactive workshop, and participants will have numerous opportunities to practice these strategies as well as reflect on how they can use them moving forward. *Note: This workshop is designed to be attended after Microaggressions 101. The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Education Program supports the area of Strategic Diversity Planning, Training, and Assessment within The Office of Diversity and inclusion. Our goal is to support campus-wide efforts in creating an equitable, socially just institution where all of our students, faculty and staff feel they are valued and belong. FOR CREDIT: Send a 2-3 sentence reflection to talking about the event and what you learned/took away from it.