Alpha Iota

Leadership and Vulnerability Virtual Workshop (Student Leadership Advocates)

Date: Oct 19, 2022 at 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Student Leadership Advocates (SLA) is a peer leadership cohort supported by Student Life Leadership and Service. The role of SLA is to support the Ohio State community in leadership development, primarily through providing facilitation for leadership development workshops and retreats. SLA works with student leaders from across the university to support them as they develop as students and leaders. This workshop will only be open to students of APO and a member of SLA is going to be leading a workshop to help us become better leaders! This session makes the connection between vulnerability and leadership. By sharing and reflecting on experiences where they have made an impact, participants will practice both vulnerability and active listening in order to further develop as leaders. ZOOM LINK: Meeting ID: 982 1082 5795 Password: 128845 FOR CREDIT: Send a short reflection to talking about the event and what you learned/took away from it.