Alpha Iota

OSU Goalball Event Volunteers *EL*

Date: Oct 8, 2022 at 10:00am to 12:00pm
OSU is hosting a Goalball clinic in October!!! - Goalball is played exclusively by athletes who are blind or vision impaired. It was invented in 1946 to help rehabilitate veterans who had lost their sight during the Second World War. About Goalball= Players must wear opaque eyeshades at all times ensuring fair competition. All international athletes must be legally blind, meaning they have less than 10 per cent vision, and are classified as a B3, a B2, or a B1 – totally blind. Teams are made up of six players, with three members playing at any one time. The object of the game is to throw a ball past the opponents and into their net to score points. Players stay on their hands and knees to defend their net and score against their opponents. About the event= We will have participants who are blind or have vision impairments and need enough people to allow them to learn in small group rotations and then play the sport. In order to do that, we need people willing to play and participate. All participants are blind-folded so it will be fair competition. If any of your crew are willing to do that, I would very much appreciate it!! You would only need to sign up for the event time slot (not set up or clean up). You can sign up as a volunteer in the link below (or a participant). ENSURE THAT YOU SIGN UP VIA THE EXTERNAL LINK BEFORE SIGNING UP ON APO ONLINE!! ENSURE THAT YOU SIGN UP FOR THE CORRECT DAY AND SHIFT YOU INTEND TO WORK!! THIS EVENT IS FOR THE OCT 8TH EVENT FOR 10-12 SHIFT! To receive credit for this event, email a photo and/or attendance sheet to credit will be given accordingly for the hours spent volunteering :) Volunteer sign-up: