Alpha Iota

Drink Pink Fundraiser with Fighting Pretty!

Date: Oct 6, 2022 at 7:00pm to 10:07pm
**THE IN-PERSON FUNDRAISER IS FOR 21+ BROS ONLY** BUT U CAN BE ANY AGE TO DONATE!!! THE CREDIT FROM THIS EVENT COMES FROM UR DONATION, NOT UR ATTENDANCE AT THREES Join Fighting Pretty at their annual Drink Pink Fundraiser that raises money to create "Pretty Packages" that go to women battling cancer. To attend, you must secure your spot with a $3.00 ticket paid to the organizations venmo. A link to a google form detailing this info will be listed below! Drink Pink is this orgs largest fundraiser. All money from this fundraiser goes towards pretty packages, which are delivered to women fighting cancer to help them feel loved, beautiful, and empowered. To receive credit for this event, email a screenshot of your venmo (at least $3) donation to @fpOSU. If you are 21+, this will be your ticket for entry to the fundraiser at Threes. If you are below 21, this will simply be a donation to the cause :) The form for the fundraiser itself is below. Let me know if you have any questions!