Alpha Iota

B/L: The Magical Druid Shopping Trip

Date: Oct 6, 2022 at 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Come and meet your future big/little at this magical store! The Magical Druid is your home for quality spiritual supplies! They sell magical and metaphysical goods and spiritual books and supplies! Personally, I've gotten a few really nice crystal necklaces here and some tarot card decks. They also have decor, shirts, candles, gemstones, crystals, herbs, roots, teas, incense, resins, jewelry, spell supplies, music, oils and perfumes! Even if this isn't your usual cup of tea, give it a try! The Magical Druid is north of campus on High Street. It's kinda a far walk, so I recommend taking the COTA bus (bus 2) and getting off at the North High St/ Olentangy St stop, or meeting at the Union turnaround ten minutes before the start of the event! Shift 1- Actives Shift 2- Pledges