Alpha Iota

BLB: Saving for Retirement ! w/ Akshi

Date: Oct 20, 2022 at 6:30pm to 7:30pm
Do you know what a 401K is? How about a ROTH IRA?! If you don't, no worries I am here to tell you all about it. Saving money and budgeting is a topic I have been super interested in since I was in high school so now it is time for me to share the knowledge. This BLB has been strangely requested by many people so I am finally gonna do it. PSA I AM NOT A CPA OR AN OFFICIAL FINANCIAL ADVISOR OR HAVE ANY OFFICIAL TITLE OF ANY CAPACITY. My only credentials are being a fisher finance major and my previous volunteer work where I have talked about savings to my peers along with my passion about this topic of course. please don't come into this expecting me to have the knowledge to solve all of your financial problems (I do know a good amount dw but I am not a certified advisor or anything!!!) We can talk about whatever you guys have questions about after I give a short presentation on what ROTH IRA's are and other retirement savings accounts and the benefits of starting them early! I will also talk about some budgeting tips and maybe can talk about credit cards if you guys want to. I am going to try and make this as fun and interactive as possible since this is a topic that can sometimes be quite boring and confusing. Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 973 7507 7034 Password: 209909 TLDR: we r going to talk about money