Alpha Iota

Voter Registration Tabling w/ OSU Votes! *EL*

Date: Sep 20, 2022 at 12:00am to 11:59pm
Join OSU votes during National Voter Registration Week to table around campus and get folks to become registered voters! Locations are at RPAC Plaza, Main Oval, Seibert Lawn, and Tom W. Davis Clock Tower. Tabling times are from 10AM-6PM each day. Using the link below, you MUST indicate when and where you would like to table, and in the comments below after you have signed up with the external link, indicate how many hours you signed up for! After signing up, a follow-up email will be sent to you with further details, tabling placement, and contact information. If you have any questions about the event, reach out to myself or Christina S.! Christinas #: 234-207-8019. My #: 606-584-8545 To receive credit for this event, email a photo and/or an attendance sheet to