Alpha Gamma Delta

DFD's Education & Training Series: Opioid Overdose & Narcan Administration

Date: Nov 30, 2022 at 2:00pm to 3:00pm
**YOU MUST REGISTER ON EVENTBRITE TO RECEIVE CREDIT: Free online training about signs of overdose and how to administer the opioid overdose reversal drug, Narcan. Please join JFRD and Drug Free Duval for free training about signs of overdose, and how to administer the opioid overdose reversal drug, Narcan. Residents of Duval County will receive a free Narcan kit, but anyone can join the training. This is your chance to walk through the process of overdose and steps to stop it. You'll see how laws in Florida create protection for those who step in, and support the ability to get more Narcan. You'll examine myths v truth, and become part of the solution that can change our community.