Alpha Eta Gamma

USDA Food Distribution

Date: Apr 19, 2024 at 9:00am to 12:00pm
Hello everyone, the CEC will be hosting their USDA food distribution on April 19th from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Please make sure to sign up on APO online and on the website down below to sign up as a volunteer. Spots are limited, therefore I would suggest to sign up as soon as possible. USDA volunteer sign up link: To receive chairing credit, please sign up as coordinator for the event! You must stay for the whole event, and submit the sheet within 72 hours after the event has ended as well to receive 1 full credit or split the credit with someone else if you both plan to stay for half the event. Please fill out the attendance sheet for brothers to sign-in which is attached to this event. If there is no one chairing the event. Please remember to take a picture at the beginning of the event as well as at the end and send it to our service email: ( within 48 hours after the event.