Alpha Eta Gamma

Recycling Fundraiser!!!

Date: Jun 30, 2020 at 6:00am to 12:00pm
Good evening, I hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. Lisa and I have decided to create the recycling fundraiser to allow brothers to make up credits, but we would like to donate this money to a foundation that is helping people that are being arrested for protesting for the Black Lives Matter Movement. For every 5 dollars of recycling, we will be awarding a fundraiser credit to brothers. Unfortunately, we could not meet up to have the recycling delivered to us so you will need to take your plastic water bottles, aluminum cans to the nearest recycling in your location and you will need to fill out the fundraiser form and Venmo the money to either Lisa or me. We will need to work as a chapter to help the Black Lives Matter Movement as much as we can.