Alpha Eta Gamma

2nd MSSLP Conference: Preventive Health for a Better Life!

Date: Nov 16, 2019 at 8:00am to 1:00pm
The 2nd Conference of MSSLP: Preventative Health, For a better life!, is an free event for the Hispanic community in which we will have the following workshops; food handling, diabetes prevention and control, pros and cons of vaccines, domestic violence and bullying, preventative dental health, stress in student life, and Valley Fever. We will have flu vaccines, which will be free to all those attending who wish to be vaccinated. The attendees need to choose three workshops of their interest and fill out the attached document (Waiver of liability...). Tentative Schedule (8:00am - 8:45am) Registration/Registro (8:45am - 9:00am) Introduction/Introducción al evento (9:00am - 9:30am) Workshop or Conference 1/Taller o conferencia 1 (9:35am - 10:10am) Workshop or Conference 2/Taller o conferencia 2 (10:10am - 10:30am) Break/Receso (10:35am - 11:30am) Vaccine Debate/Debate sobre vacunación (11:35am - 12:05pm) Workshop or Conference 3/Taller o conferencia 3 (12:05pm - 12:20pm) Break/Receso (12:20pm - 12:45pm) Closing/Evento de clausura RSVP: Please complete the professional event form within 72 hours of completing the event! Professional Event Form: Email for questions or submissions of materials!