Alpha Eta Gamma

Using Data-Planet to Find Statistics

Date: Oct 23, 2019 at 11:30am to 12:20pm
The session will provide an introduction to Data Planet Statistical Dataset . This online database brings together statistical data from 75+ providers including the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), United Nations and Zillow Real Estate Metrics. By the end of this session, you will: become familiar with the data sources available through Data-Planet. understand how Data-Planet is organized and structured for your browsing and searching success. locate data and create charts to answer a variety of questions. download and cite data sources from Data-Planet. Attend this session to answer the following questions and more. Which U.S. airlines have the highest online departures? How many Engineering Bachelors Degrees were recently awarded in each state? What percentage of households in Merced County own a laptop/notebook? Length: 50 minutes Please bring your own laptop if available. Please have your CatCard for check-in. RSVP: Please complete the leadership form within 72 hours of completing the event! Leadership Form: Email for questions or submissions of materials!